Durable Garden Folding Chair

نرخی ئاسایی
نرخی فرۆشتن
نرخی ئاسایی
هه‌مووی فرۆشراوه‌
به‌های یه‌كه‌

Color: 510151 - Beige

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Durable Garden Folding Chair

Durable garden folding chair with comfortable design.
Made with Highest quality plastic material
Stable and rigid that Provides safety seat.
Waterproof and easy to clean.
Can be also placed in garden or house rooms, which means it supports outdoor and indoor.
Beautiful plastic with smooth seating surface.


0196 - Beige
0238 - White
0216 - Navy Blue
0034 - Light Grey
192 - Black
0037 - Light Blue
0169 - Dark Brown
0165 - White & Light Blue